The Fall Edition of the weekend-long workshop that I started teaching at Cloud 9 Art School in Bothell back in March wrapped up with lots of smiles, including mine! The first day I taught how to break down a complex scene into simple shapes, and how to insert the complexity back into the drawing. I also showed how a Bic pen or a pencil are ideal tools to practice the pressure control that is essential to the act of drawing. A private sketch tour of the charming Bothell Historical Society & Museum and making value studies in grayscale and monochrome at Bothell Landing Park kept us all busy the rest of Saturday. And Sunday it was all about watercolor technique. I felt privileged to be able to share my knowledge with a great group of participants coming from all over the region, even as far as Victoria B.C.!
Gabriel Campanario
urban sketcher and illustrator
Gabriel Campanario
urban sketcher and illustrator