
From pencil to ink

If you aim to make ink sketches with a certain degree of accuracy, it helps to block out the composition in light pencil first. I like to use an H pencil for that part of the process. The pencil marks…

Sketch of green house in Greenwood

Spending a few hours working on a big sketch can be very gratifying, but it’s the small drawings I make during unexpected pockets of time that I often enjoy the most. I drew this charming little house in the Greenwood…

From sketch to illustration

I recently redrew one of my pocket sketchbook drawings to illustrate one of my Seattle Times posts. Here’s the sketch, done on location and colored afterwards from memory. And here’s the new version drawn on the iPad with the Procreate…

When a page is not enough to fit a sketch

The sketch doesn’t fit on the page? No worries. That happened to me the other day while I sketched longshore workers at The Port of Seattle. I drew the person quickly first, but made her too big in relation to…